Join us for a topsy turvey (=vnahafoch Hu!) Purim over three days of fun and activities!
There will be cholent making, services starting late, karaoke, a bouncy castle, and more!
Thursday, March 21 (End of Esther)
Ta'anit Esther/Fast of Esther is a Jewish fast from dawn until dusk on Purim eve, commemorating the three-day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim. When the fast falls on Shabbat, as it does this year, it is observed on the preceding Thursday. The fast begins at 5:44 AM and concludes at 7:50 PM.
This year, join with The Jewish Education Project, M² and Kol Ha'Ot in transforming Ta’anit Esther into a fast on behalf of the Israeli women who are still held hostage in Gaza: Ta'anit Liri. Ta'anit Karina. Ta'anit Agam. Ta'anit Daniela. Ta'anit Romi. Ta'anit Naama. Ta'anit Eden. Ta'anit Noa. Ta'anit Emily. Ta'anit Arbel. Ta'anit Amit Esther. Ta'anit Doron. Ta'anit Shiri. Ta'anit Karmel.
In their merit, we will focus on all hostages, including men, the elderly, and children Ariel and Kfir.
Just as Queen Esther fasted to overturn a decree against her people, we invite you to spread the word and join in fasting on behalf of the hostages.
Also, at 11:30 am EST, Jews around the world will recite the Shema out loud for the release of the hostages and the safety of all.
Cholent Making and Purim Carnival Prep, 7:00 PM | Kitchen
All teens are invited to compete in a “Cholent Throwdown” with Silverleaf Caterer’s Chef David Heisler. The cholent will be served at Shabbat Kiddush. Teens will also prepare for the shul-wide Purim Carnival. For more information email Mason.

Saturday, March 23
On the Shabbat before Purim, there is a special section of the Torah reading about Amalek, the historical enemy of the Israelites. In the Megillah, Haman is described as a descendant of the Amelikites. This day is called Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat of Remembrance. It is a special mitzvah, commandment, to hear the reading and thus remember. Please join us this Shabbat. The Torah service will start around 10:45 AM.
Shabbat morning will begin with a class exploring the ways that Purim is different with a war in Israel and rising antisemitism. Shabbat morning services will start late to have Mincha after Kiddush. After Shabbat ends, don your costumes and come for Maariv, the Megillah reading along with all the Purim festivities.
Class/Shiur 9:15 AM, A Sobering Look at Violence in the Megillah | Library
This year, the existential threat to the Jewish people at the beginning of the megillah and the display of Jewish force at the end feel close to home. Through intertextual study, we will refute a singular focus on either Jewish vulnerability to antisemitism or unselfconscious embrace of Jewish power. Instead, we will explore how Purim is not a day of a drunken revenge fantasy; but a sobering story of confronting violence.
Taught by Rabbi Aviva Richman, Rosh Yeshiva at Hadar, and CSAIR member.
Shacharit, 10:15 AM | Sanctuary and Livestream
Come for a late late shacharit. The latest time to say the amidah is 10:59 AM.
Kiddush, 12:45 PM | Social Hall
Enjoy meat and parve kiddush featuring cholent made by our CSAIR teens.
Minhah, 1:30 PM | Sanctuary
Immediately following Kiddush.
Havdalah 7:54 PM
Maariv and Megillah Reading, 8:15 PM | Sanctuary and Livestream
Join us for a joyous and silly Maariv and Megillah reading including a costume parade and a meaningful and lively song by the staff. Come in your best costumes.
Sensory Sensitive Space will be available in the Beit Midrash with quiet kids’ activities.
Bite-Sized Desserts and Karaoke 9:45 PM | Social Hall
Post Megillah reading, enjoy some bite-sized desserts and hamantaschen. Stay to sing Karaoke with musician Brian Gelfand and MC Gedalia Penner Robinson!

Sunday, March 24
Shacharit with Megillah reading, 9:00 AM | Sanctuary and Livestream
There will be a costume parade and silliness between the chapters.
Purim Carnival and Shushan Cafe/Seudah, 10:30 AM | Social Hall and Library
Purim Carnival: For kids of all ages featuring a bouncy house and games like “sponge toss”, “hang the hat on Haman” prizes; and puppet making. Create Purim video greetings and make greeting cards for Israeli children displaced from their homes near the borders.
Shushan Cafe: Seudah for all, a festive meal for all ages, in the Social Hall with the carnival or in the Library for a quieter space.
Sensory Sensitive Space in the Beit MIdrash with quiet kids’ activities available throughout the morning.
Performance by the Staff, 11:30 AM | Social Hall
Mitzvot of Purim
Mitzvot of Purim
In addition to hearing the Megillah and having a seudah/meal, fulfill the other two mitzvot of the day at CSAIR:
Matanot Laevyonim
It is a custom to give tzedakah on Purim to help people in need.
Click here to donate to the "Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund" for distribution on Purim.
Machatzit HaShekel
One of the laws of Purim is to donate half a shekel for each person in your family in commemoration of the coin offered for the upkeep of the Temple in Jerusalem. Today it is used for the upkeep of our temple, CSAIR.
Click here to donate to this fund.
You can also make these donations at Purim services.
Mishloach Manot Pick-Up Times
March 20-22, Monday-Friday, 10 AM-Noon and 3-5 PM
March 23, Erev Purim, Saturday night after Megillah Reading
March 24, Sunday, Purim Day after Megillah Reading
March 25-27, Monday-Wednesday, 10 AM-Noon and 3-5 PM
Unclaimed bags will be donated to the Friendly Fridge in our community.
Wednesday, March 20 (Evening Minyan) thru Monday, March 25th (Morning Minyan)
In recognition of Purim 5784, and in the spirit of participating together to share food with hungry members of our community, CSAIR Fights Hunger invites you to join in a Purim food drive.
Our food drive will support the Manhattan College Parkway (formerly 242nd Street) Friendly Fridge. The
Friendly Fridge began operating in May 2020, helping to meet a critical need for supplemental food access.
This need has not diminished, and the Friendly Fridge remains an essential resource for those who struggle
with food insecurity.
Details on how you can help with the food drive are available HERE.
CSAIR Fights Hunger thanks you for your support!
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785