9:00 AM Sunday mornings
Click here for the live stream
7:30 PM Sunday - Thursday evenings
Click here for live stream
7:45 AM Monday & Thursday mornings
Click here for live stream
Please note, if the following holidays fall on a Monday or Thursday, morning minyan times will begin at 9:00 AM.
New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, December 25.
To sign up for the weekly minyan, please see the CSAIR email.
For in-person services FAQs, please see your CSAIR email.
Please check your "Thursday email" for the most up-to-date service details.
Full-service information will be reflected on the web on Thursday evenings except for holidays.
FRIDAY, March 28
Candle lighting, 6:59 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv, 6:00 PM
SATURDAY, March 29
Holy Grounds Cafe: Shabbat Edition, 8:45 AM
We welcome you to shul on Shabbat morning with hot coffee and a little nosh. From 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM.
Shacharit, 9:15 AM
Pesukei Dezimra and Shacharit: Matt Abrams Gerber
Musaf: Sam Yaggy
Dvar Torah:
Come join us for CSAIR's inspiring prayer and singing. Our clergy and lay members together make ours a welcoming, inclusive, and meaningful Jewish experience.
Kivinu, 9:15 AM
Full traditional liturgy, spirited singing, and minimal interruptions aimed at creating an intense focus on the davening. Sign up here to get on the email list.
Hebrew School, 9:00 AM
Weekly Shabbat morning learning sessions for students in grades K-7
Fun with the Madrichim 10:30 AM
ALL KIDS in grades K-7 enjoy snacks, games and teen madrichim led activities.
Shabbat Shelanu, 10:45 AM
Adult-led family program for kids ages 0-4 and their grownups.
Tefilat Yeladim, 10:45 AM
Kids in grades K-4. Teen Madrichim and adult staff led program featuring tefilla, games, parsha activities, and more.
HaMoadon, 10:45 AM
Kids in grades 5-7. Teen and adult staff-led events include games, tefilla, parsha activities, and more.
Kiddush, 11:45 AM
Mincha/Maariv, 6:59 PM
Havdalah, 7:59 PM
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785