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Hebrew School Universal Permission Form 2024-25

I give permission for child/ren (Name/s) to participate fully in all activities of the Marsha Dane Stern Hebrew School for the 2024-2025 academic year. I understand that field trips will be adequately supervised, and transportation will be arranged either by parent carpools, school buses, or walking, and that I will be informed beforehand of all such trips.

I give permission for photos of my child/ren taken while participating in CSAIR events to be used for
promotional purposes including but not limited to the CSAIR website and CSAIR Marsha Dane Stern Hebrew School Facebook page.

I hereby empower the members of the Hebrew School staff, appointed by the principal of the Marsha Dane Stern Hebrew School, to act for me in case of an emergency. This power shall include the authority to bring my child to a hospital or other emergency medical provider when said staff person believes that emergency medical care may be indicated for my child. 
Family Health Information
Choose number of emergency contacts you wish to leave.
Are there any medical or dietary concerns or limitations to your child/ren full participation in any school program?
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785